Tuesday 8 November 2011


My latest book obsession involves the lovely, collectable Popular Penguin. I bought my first one at the beginning of the year sometime so I could discover what makes "the classics" so classic. Each time I finish one of these orange delights I treat myself to another one! I can't wait to have a whole bookshelf of them :) I have a bit of an infatuation for owning books... there is something beautiful about the printed word all bound up, sitting on the shelf waiting for you when you need it.

I love to lie in my backyard reading and soaking up the spring sun. I couldn't help but put in a snap of New Zealand's wee appearance in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland :)


  1. wow how many :O cute photoshoot
    take care

  2. CUTE! I do exactly the same!!! Just finished Dracula, now deciding which one to get next :) Any recommendations from the ones you have already read?


  3. I love that. There is just something about going back to the classics! I would say a day lounging in the sun with a good book would be a day well spent.

  4. Oooo what was Dracula like? The Power Of One has been my favourite so far :)

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