Monday, 28 November 2011
This is the first Christmas that Brendon and I will spend together as a married couple... And it's also the first year we're having the family get together at our place! So I'm especially excited for all the festivities. I decided that I wanted to make a unique tree with handmade decorations that suit us and our wee house. They're not exactly the typical Christmas look but I'm quite fond of how they turned out :)
You'll need:
Some paper to rip up to papier-maché with, glue (I find wheat-based adhesive best for this type of project), plain baubles or polystyrene balls, masking tape, cotton/string, pens and paint.
If your bauble doesn't already have string attached you can make a loop with your cotton and secure it with masking tape. Then rip up your paper and cover the entire ball. I used an old text book that was gathering dust in my garage. Then use a pen or paint to do illustrations and text. I also found some spotty feathers that I added with a button on top to hide the join. And voila! Easy peasy.
Thursday, 24 November 2011

Monday, 21 November 2011
The hubby has been away this week building a house at National Park... but before he left he did a bit of unconventional lawn mowing! So even though he's not here I still get reminded that he loves me.
I have no idea how he did the little dot for the i. Turns out he can draw better with a lawn mower than he can with a pencil :p
While he's away my Mum is coming to visit and we're going to go up Mount Pirongia... She's a bit of a fitness freak and I just hope I can keep up with her!
I have no idea how he did the little dot for the i. Turns out he can draw better with a lawn mower than he can with a pencil :p
While he's away my Mum is coming to visit and we're going to go up Mount Pirongia... She's a bit of a fitness freak and I just hope I can keep up with her!
Sunday, 20 November 2011
INSPIRED BY: jordan ettinger
I stumbled upon Jordan Ettinger while I was browsing through I love his looks and the vibe of his photography. Check out his tumblr and get inspired people!
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
My latest book obsession involves the lovely, collectable Popular Penguin. I bought my first one at the beginning of the year sometime so I could discover what makes "the classics" so classic. Each time I finish one of these orange delights I treat myself to another one! I can't wait to have a whole bookshelf of them :) I have a bit of an infatuation for owning books... there is something beautiful about the printed word all bound up, sitting on the shelf waiting for you when you need it.
I love to lie in my backyard reading and soaking up the spring sun. I couldn't help but put in a snap of New Zealand's wee appearance in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland :)
I love to lie in my backyard reading and soaking up the spring sun. I couldn't help but put in a snap of New Zealand's wee appearance in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland :)
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
I love that embroidery hoops have become popular wall hangings over the last few years. The possibilities are endless with them! I decided to make a set of pinboards in our little entrance way. It was a great way for me to add a splash of colour as I tend to get stuck in a black/cream/wooden colour scheme around the house.
I cut circles out of softboard to fit in the hoops and covered it with fabric. It's as simple as that! You could also use sheets of corkboard with some polystyrene behind it. I've been adding little printouts of artwork I like and notes with the typewritter.
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