Monday 16 September 2013


My lovely husband has built me some rimu shelves in our kitchen (photos to come) and I didnt want to ruin them by putting our mishmashed herbs, coffee, tea and oils on it. So I decided I would customise our condiments so they would look like a set. I started first with our herbs and spices. I wrote out all the herbs and scanned them into my computer which I then got the printers to print on a clear sticker. I purchased some glass vials with cork lids from etsy and applied my labels. This method looked better on the spices as they were lighter colours. Unfortunately the herbs were a bit dark for the black writing to be seen clearly, but I can still read them so it will have to do!

“Lara walked along the tracks following a path worn by pilgrims and then turned into the fields. Here she stopped and, closing her eyes, took a deep breath of the flower-scented air of the broad expanse around her. It was dearer to her than her kin, better than a lover, wiser than a book. For a moment she rediscovered the purpose of her life. She was here on earth to grasp the meaning of its wild enchantment and to call each thing by its right name, or, if this were not within her power, to give birth out of love for life to successors who would do it in her place.”

– Boris Pasternak